While the blog's been quiet, my feet have been in constant, feverish motion for the last month. Here's a couple images from a shoot in-studio yesterday.

© Michael Sugrue

© Michael Sugrue

Assistant Jen Wilson, © Michael Sugrue
As far a the new blog, it just needs my time to actually enter all of the new material, as it's been expertly designed by Emelie Ivansson, a very talented, young Swedish designer based in London. There will be multiple categories including Workflow + Tech, creative inspiration from around the web, studio news, a photo stream of uploaded images, behind the scenes/interviews, and random musings on the state of the world.
Enough with talking about it. I'm trying to carve out some time soon to actually get it up and running.
Enough with talking about it. I'm trying to carve out some time soon to actually get it up and running.